Two weeks ago I got my first tattoo.
I've wanted a tattoo for as long as I can remember as I think, when done right, they can look so beautiful and I just love the idea of having glorious art and positive reminders permanently attached to my body. And specifically, I've wanted this tattoo since I found the image when I was about 13 and fell in love with it and what it signified in my life. Being in a position where I could fund my own tatt, I felt mature enough and confident enough with my body, I took the plunge.
A super super important thing about deciding on a tattoo, is choosing the artist, not just the image. I love super delicate, fine line and dotwork tattoos so I already knew that was the style I wanted. And I'd followed my artist on instagram for a long time ( @medusaloux) and loved every piece she shared. So when I emailed enquiring about the piece I wanted and she had appointments available for over my Christmas break, I knew I needed to snag it. Overall I had my tattoo booked for a month/two months before the actual appointment and lots of people were like 'why don't you just get it done here in Sheffield?' But for me, the artist and having a style of tattoo I loved were so so so so SO much more important than convenience so I was more than happy to wait.
Okay so lets talk rib tattoos and pre-appointment nerves. I was absolutely petrified. I completely stressed myself out by watching horror story youtube vids about people writhing in pain during rib tatts, and read so so many pieces warning against rib tattoos if it was your first, as obviously it's a very boney area. I was expecting the worst pain humanly possible to experience, but in a way that helped. I think expecting the worst made it so much easier when the pain was bearable.
Obviously I don't recommend stressing yourself out like I did, but doing research did help. Reading up on tips like things to do/eat/drink before your appointment, and even watching in depth videos about HOW tattoos work really helped me feel more confident about the process even though I was scared as hell.
And honestly, the nerves did make me doubt even getting the tattoo. But I think as long as you love the piece and what I stands for to you, regardless of the pain or really regardless of how it looks you're going to love it as it's connected to you.
The process was super chill and quick, taking under an hour which is incredible for the level of detail! Obviously it hurt, but the pain was easy to handle when I've already got a pretty high pain tolerance. Just got to keep breathing and looking away and it's easy peasy. One thing that really help was having someone there that knew exactly what I wanted. It's quite hard to make decisions on the spot about something so permanent when you're nervous or a bit hazy from the pain or being laid down. So having a friend there that knew the look I wanted and exactly the size/position I wanted, made the process a lot stressful.
My artist, Hannah, was delightful. She was chatty to distract me, but also explained the whole process throughout so I was totally aware of what was happening. I can't recommend her or her art work enough. The wall behind me was covered in her designed and each one was as beautiful as the last. If you're after a delicate style tattoo, definitely check her out.
And that was that. All done and on my bod forever. It definitely took me a few days to get used to seeing the piece on my body and completely fall in love with it, but oh my I'm head over heels. I still love the image just as much as I did at 13 and it has so much meaning to me. It's a reminder to grow towards the light and remember that what you think you become, but equally, to turn my thoughts and ideas into fact. It's a reminder of the things I've built from ideas to reality like this blog and Kiloran. And it's just beautiful. I love it so so much. The pain faded into insignificance the minute I saw it.
Aftercare is a nightmare as you'll never know annoyance like the itch of a healing tattoo. But two weeks later it's healed and glorious. I'm completely smitten and I couldn't be happier with my decision of design, artist and position. The longing for another has kicked in, sorry mum!
I've wanted a tattoo for a long time myself, but I can never decide on what it is I actually want, specifically because I want it to have meaning behind it, rather than just sitting pretty on my skin haha! I love intricate tattoos like yours, and Hannah did a fantastic job! x
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