My Latest Film Watches...

By Lucy Harbron - 20:49

I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas, I personally ate myself into a two day long food coma. But I hope you got everything you wanted, ate loads and spent some quality time with your loved one and really just had a nice chill out.

Since it's the Christmas holidays and since I am a true Netflix addict I've been watching a LOT of films. One thing you may not know about me is that I hope to write and make a movie one day! one of my many bad habits is that I cannot finish a project but at the same time I cant stop starting new projects so my computer is littered with part finished film scripts.

Part of my goals for this lil blog in 2015 is to expand from just fashion/beauty and talk more about my passions so I thought no time like the present! So I'm gonna share with you some of the films I've watched and a brief little review! pleaaaase tell me some of your favourite films as I'm always on the hunt for new stuff to watch!


 I've seen long way down three times now and I still love it so much. I haven't actually read the book (I'm a bad person I know) but the film is just beautiful. Its about four people that meet on a roof as they all plan to commit suicide, then join together and make a pact to stay alive but then their story gets out and they end up famous and it all kicks off! Some how the film manages to be really funny in spite of the sad theme, I think this is mainly down to Imogen Poots who plays Jess and is both hilarious and beautiful.

Its such a lovely film, happy ending, nice message. So if you're looking for a nice chilled movie to watch on an evening this is perfect.


I bloody love Wes Anderson films so finding one I'd never managed to see on Netflix. The thing I love about Wes Anderson is that his films are all super weird but you still get hooked into them. The life aquatic with Steve zissou is about a revenge plan to kill a "jaguar shark" that ate Steve Zissou's partner. And there's relationship issues and other stuff going on. TRUST ME IT'S MORE EXCITING THAN I MAKE IT SOUND! if you've never seen a Wes Anderson film, you need to!

I do love a good film about misfit teenagers falling in love! The art of getting by is about teenage boy George (played by Freddie Highmore who is very very attractive ladies!) a talented artist who struggles to see the point in school and in life really, and he meets Sally (played by my one true love Emma Roberts). And the films follows the pair as they struggle to express their feelings an find their path.

I loved loved loved this film. The acting was amazing, and it was just beautiful. I absolutely adore Emma Roberts, she's incredible in everything. I have such a massive girl crush on her and her performance in this film is flawless.

This was one of those films that haunted me for a couple days after and instantly became one of my favourites.
Like I said, I think Emma Roberts is incredible in everything and this was no exception. Its kind of a funny story is based on a novel (which I have not read, I'm so sorry). Its about a teenage boy called Craig who checks himself into a mental hospital after feeling suicidal. It sounds dark, but the film is actually very light hearted and funny as Craig makes friends and falls for another patient, Noelle, played by Emma Roberts who again I fell in love with.
I'm literally obsessed with her sorry not sorry
Has anyone read the book of this? Let me know!
A more "grown-up" thought-provoking watch was Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind. I'm not a massive Jim Carrey fan but he was incredible. The film is about a man who takes part in a medical procedure to erase all memories of his ex-girlfriend but immediately regrets it and the feel sees him fight to keep her memory.
This was easily one of the most beautiful films I've ever seen. Both humorous and totally heart breaking. It does require your full attention to totally understand the plot, but seriously it's worth it. Kate Winslet delivers so many killer lines, she blew my mind to be totally honest. Her character was so beautifully developed and complex.

If you're looking for a film that will take you on an emotional roller coaster, this one is for you!


This film has totally and completely attached to my soul. Its about two people who are telepathically connected and develop such a deep relationship and inevitably fall in love. Its all the little details that make this film so beautiful. Yeah the plot is gripping, but there's something about the acting and the production of this film that just pull you in and you find yourself really rooting for the characters to get together. The lead girl is played by Zoe Kazan who I loved in What If (that film with Daniel Radcliffe) and she plays the part perfectly with just the right level of vulnerability.

I massively recommend this one, so so good!

What films have you been loving lately?
Hope you're doing well

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  1. I love discovering new films, I haven't heard of most of these but will be checking them out! I adore Eternal Sunshine I first watched it when I was going through a break up. Still haven't seen The Life Aquatic but I love everything Wes Anderson does!

    I recently saw Only Lovers Left Alive, would recommend it! Oh and Enemy!

    1. i loooove wes anderson! Moonrise Kingdom is still my favourite but i'd defiitely recommend the life aquatic x


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