I left my house. Its a big deal.
England is boiling at the moment, like painfully warm! So me and my friend (I have the funniest friends ever!!) decided we needed a day out, so we all gathered at our local park and went on our adventures. Everyone knows that im a definite introvert and rarely just go out without a purpose, but my goal for the summer is to be a bit more wild, go out, have fun, climb trees! So here's my favourite adventure day outfits, snacks, playlists and just general stuff!
(Top-H&M-£2.99, Shorts-H&M-12.99, sunnies-Primark-£1)
(Top-River island sale-unknown, Shorts-River island sale-£15)
Food is vital, food is good. Basically I heart food, especially junky, day out food! My shopping list consists of-
- Crisps
- General sweets
- Ginger beer (LUSH)
- Cookies
- Ice lollies
- Water
For days out I tend to go for indie rock sort of music by artists such as the vaccines, the smiths, Noah and the whale, paramore, arctic monkeys. Swim deep are my favourite summer band, but obv still staying true to my boy Lewis! and as im super nice, I've put together a summer days/nights playlist for all you lovely lot!
- Try and avoid foundation, in the heat it will leave your skin feeling horrid and will be really cloggy!
- SUN CREAM. always.
- pop a mini body spray into your bag so you can just spray yourself if you need a boost in the sun, and the mist will be really cooling!
- let loose! don't be afraid to be silly, me and my friends play hide in seek!
Have a lovely day!
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