This is my second loaf of this bread in a week as it's just so good! For my birthday my parent's got me a vegetarian student cookbook so the recipe is so simple but also super cheap and requires no measuring equipment, just a mug! Bread like this is my favourite thing, it's perfect for a summer lunch with some salad.
What You'll Need
1 Leek
1/4 a bag of Spinach (about 50g)
1 and a half mugs of self-raising flour
salt and pepper
3/4 mug of parmesan cheese
1 mug of grated cheddar cheese
1 teaspoon of basil
1 egg
What To Do
1) Preheat your oven to 180C fan oven/200C/Gas 6 and line a loaf tin with some grease-proof paper.
2) Put a blob of butter into a frying pan and let it heat while you wash and chop up your leek. Fry the leeks until they're soft then add in your spinach and cook until it wilts.
3) In a big bowl mix the flour, cheeses, basil and salt and pepper. Add the leeks and spinach and mix it all together.
4) In a mug crack the egg and add in enough milk to fill the cup to 3/4 full. Beat that together then slowly add into the bowl until it forms a dough. You might not have to use all the mixture so go slowly!
5) Put the dough into the tin as evenly as you can and bake for 35-40 minutes. It may take longer so check after 40 and maybe put it back in for 5 more minutes.
6) Leave to cool for a little bit then chow down!
So so so easy even a fool like me can make it! RIP to my summer body, too in love with bread.
This looks so good! I'm awful at baking but I'd love to try cook this! x
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